When children join us at Alder Grove Church of England Primary School we work closely with their feeder nurseries and pre-schools to ensure a smooth transition for the children. Our aim is for the children to settle in quickly and soon become independent learners.
In our Reception class, the pupils split their time between Adult Directed lessons and Child Initiated Activities when the children can explore their own learning in any part of the setting they choose, including the purpose built outside area.
The curriculum in Reception is activity and play based. These activities are largely initiated by the children themselves and then supported and extended by adults in order to maximise learning opportunities. We plan our curriculum around the children’s current interests, covering topics such as Dinosaurs, Space, Pirates and Castles, with a new topic every few weeks.
Pupils in Reception are working towards the Early Learning Goals for the end of the Foundation Stage. Children’s experiences are extended in a range of areas including listening, oracy, concentration, persistence, and learning how to work together in order to become independent, enthusiastic and innovative lifelong learners. Extra-curricular activities such as visitors, themed days, visits to places in the local area and further afield enhance the curriculum for our children.
We believe that parents are vital partners in their children’s education and encourage parents to work with us in a variety of ways including joining us for Parent Workshops, Stay and Play sessions and helping in the classroom.
If you wish to apply for a Reception place for your child please apply through the main round of admissions with your local authority.